
Superfood can be great to add to your smoothies or to your salad.
They are high in vitamins and minerals and are especially beneficial for health and well-being, and that is what we are after, right? 👌

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Acai berries


When you talk about treatment options for menopause, only a few people would know that some fruits have the power to keep you healthy. There are actually superfoods that are

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I guess you’ve already heard about hemp several times already. What information have you known about it? Is it good or bad? Most of you may have heard about its

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Bobab powder


A lot of menopausal women feel so tired even if they didn’t move too much during the day. They often feel fatigued when the day ends. If this is the

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Have you ever heard of the fruit Camu Camu? Did you know it has a lot of benefits considering its small size? Yes! Camu is known to be a great

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Have you experienced pain when you are trying to pee? If you are positive about having that symptom, you might be having urinary tract infection. This is a common case that

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When you are in your menopausal years, there is that one thing that makes you common with other women in the same age. You feel old. It’s undeniable that many

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Chlorella benefits for health and menopause


If you are on the road to your menopause journey, there is a high probability that you are already having symptoms like night sweats, anxiety, constipation and other related problems.

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