Vaginal dryness is a symptom that happens to women once in a while. But for menopausal women, it’s an annoying vaginal discomfort that affects their quality of life. It also has an impact on our intimate relationships and libido.
But first, why do we have dry seasons down there? Know why and bring back natural lubrication in 10 easy ways!
What Are the Causes of Vaginal Dryness in Menopause?
Vaginal dryness happens at any age, but experts say menopausal women are more at risk because of decreasing hormones.
Vaginal dryness isn’t a severe condition, but it somehow affects a woman’s personal life. This vaginal discomfort brings itchiness and soreness. You can also feel a burning sensation when you pee.
Dryness occurs as a stand-alone vaginal discomfort. This can be a result of what you eat or your activities. But sometimes, it can also be a symptom of vaginal atrophy or atrophic vaginitis.
This vaginal discomfort happens when the walls of your vagina become thin and less elastic. As a result, you will have lesser vaginal lubrication. But why does this actually happen? Estrogen imbalance is the culprit!
Estrogen is the main hormone supporting our reproductive organs, including our vagina. Below are some functions of the hormone:
- supports reproductive health by telling the tissues surrounding your vagina to produce mucus
- increases blood supply in our reproductive area
- keeps your vagina moist, thick and supple
The decrease in estrogen during menopause deprives your vagina of nourishment. As a result, your tissues lose their ability to produce lubrication.
Low estrogen levels can also mess up your vaginal pH, making it too acidic. You might think that an acidic vaginal environment can melt all the bacteria away. This is actually the contrary! Too much acidity can kill the bacteria protecting our vagina. This can result in an overgrowth of foreign bacteria. Infection can also cause vaginal dryness.
According to the National Institutes of Health, vaginal discomfort is a common symptom in menopause. In fact, about 50% of women experience the condition.
Healthline reports that only 20 to 25% of women seek medical advice for this symptom. Besides vaginal dryness, redness, pain during sex and bleeding are also common. Urinary frequency, incontinence and urgency may also arise.
There’s no telling when these symptoms will occur. They can take place as early as perimenopause or in the later years when your estrogen is “too low”.
Dr. Adelaide Nardone shares why postmenopausal women are prone to developing vaginal dryness [4:57]:
How to Reawaken Lust and Why It’s Good for You, Your Partner and Life!
Is your lust on hold?
Yes, I say “on hold” because it is not gone! 🙂
Many of us are in long marriages and relationships. In some ways, we forget how lust feels like.
We become busy taking care of our kids, maintaining the home and building our careers. We focus on many things other than ourselves.
They say too much familiarity in a relationship is not helpful. This is so true! When our partners become part of our “routine”, sex becomes a task, and we do it the same way every single time.
We lose contact with our body with our vagina. We look for things outside rather than see what’s inside. With all the stress of life, sex becomes less of a priority.
Remember, lust and sex don’t work by themselves! You need to put in some effort.
We think everything will work out in the end. We’ll have more time, get more sleep and wait for the kids to grow, and then we can start to enjoy sex again. The truth is, reawakening our inner desire takes time. It doesn’t happen overnight.
We need to reconnect with our bodies by touching. Nice, tender touching in the breast ignites sensation all over the body. Be comfortable with your body and relax. Focus on your breathing and awareness.
Sex boosts your life energy! It’s important that you feel good.
Lust is not all about sex. It’s about your desire for life. Are you still curious? Hungry? Your mind affects your sex life. It’s important to change how you think to be one with your body again!
[click_to_tweet tweet=”An active sex life spices up your marriage, boosts your health and makes you feel younger!” quote=”An active sex life spices up your marriage, boosts your health and makes you feel younger!”]
10 Natural Vaginal Dryness Treatments to Enjoy Your Sex Life Again!
When you water a flowering plant daily, it flourishes and blooms. It gives you joy and satisfaction. I see our nether regions this way. If you care for it, you’ll ensure that it’s healthy. But if you don’t take care of your vagina, it will wither like a flower.
Here are top natural remedies for vaginal dryness to bring back your moisture!
1. Use the right feminine products. Feminine products can make the vagina smell good and fresh. But they can also alter the vagina’s normal flora, making it too acidic. This will kill the friendly bacteria in our vagina and allow bad bacteria to thrive. As a result, infections occur. Make sure to read product labels and choose those that are near our normal pH which is 3.8 to 4.5. You can check your vaginal pH at home using a vaginal kit which you can buy online.
2. Eat foods that promote vaginal lubrication. This is one of the most important top natural remedies for vaginal dryness. Fill your plate with foods which are rich in omega 3 fatty acids, good sources of protein and probiotics. These nutrients increase blood flow to your vaginal area, keeping it nourished and healthy. Add in some good, healthy foods such as salmon, flaxseeds, chia, avocado, berries and more!
3. Make herbs part of your life! Herbs such as adaptogenic and phytoestrogenic herbs can do wonders for sexual health. Maca, Shatavari and Ashwagandha are examples. They can balance your hormones and are known libido boosters!
4. Hydrate! If you’re dehydrated, your vagina might be too! You see, the skin around your vagina is one of the thinnest. For this reason, it’s prone to dehydration. Make sure to drink 8 to 10 glasses of water daily!
5. Support other estrogen-producing organs. When you reach menopause, you may not have the same amount of estrogen as your reproductive years. Replenish estrogen by supporting other organs that produce the hormone. An example is your adrenal glands. Take supplements and vitamins and minerals! They keep your adrenals healthy and improves blood circulation to your vaginal area.
6. Reduce stress and relax! Hormonal imbalance isn’t the only reason for vaginal dryness. Stress may be the reason too! When we are under pressure, we tend to lose our sex drive. If we don’t engage in sex, lubrication becomes difficult. Stress also produces cortisol, which lessens the blood delivered to our vaginal area. Slow down, go for a walk, take your mind out of work, do deep breathing and sleep!
7. Exercise regularly. Light exercises such as yoga and meditation can relax your mind and body. Qigong is also a good mind-body practice that helps you be in the moment. When everything in our body is in-sync, we are more receptive to touch and sensations. So, sex becomes more pleasurable! Kegel exercises are also great because they make your pelvis and vagina strong, improves blood circulation and boosts your sex drive.
8. Talk to your partner. If you’re having a difficult time having sex because of vaginal dryness, you need to open up to your partner. Together, you can explore some options to solve the problem. It will surprise you how this makes a huge difference in your relationship. It strengthens your bond and love for one another! If you want more information, you can read our article on sex related problems and how to manage them on our site.
9. Use vaginal lubricants. Many women like using coconut oil because it’s natural and long-lasting. It doesn’t cause skin irritation as well. This aromatherapy moisturizer can be used as massage oil for your vaginal area. Water-based lubricants are comfortable to use. Organic vaginal lubricants which are FDA approved are also great because they are paraben, alcohol and hormone free. World-renowned OB-GYNE and women’s health expert, Dr. Anna Cabeca made a really good natural lubricant. A lot of women use it because it’s filled with healthy ingredients that can nourish the vagina.
10. Supplements for vaginal dryness. Vaginal dryness supplements made from the shrub Sea Buckthorn have been sold in the market for many years. Membrasin is just an example.
More Remedies for Your Vaginal Discomfort!
Besides these 10 natural remedies, you can also use estrogen creams, pills and rings. They are only used in your vagina, so they have a local effect. Experts say they rarely cause any disturbance in your hormone balance. But remember, you need to use them consistently to see results.
Many women stop when they see a bit of improvement. But keep the flower in mind. It needs consistent love and attention to bloom and then a little sprinkle of water now and then.
Care for your vagina the same way! Boost its health first, and don’t forget to maintain with lower doses. I love using Replens myself and I’ve had good results!
The Ultimate Vaginal Dryness Treatment!
But do you know what’s one of the top natural remedies for vaginal dryness? Have lots and lots of sex, even after you’ve reached menopause!
More sex, better vaginal health!
When you don’t have as much sexual activity, your vagina narrows and shortens. If you go for a long time without sex in between, it becomes painful, even when you use vaginal lubricants.
Vaginal dryness can make tissues fragile and susceptible to tears during penetration. Injury to your vaginal walls can cause further thinning and may lead to vaginal bleeding.
Having sex keeps your vaginal tissues thick and moist. This can also maintain the length and width of your vagina.
The Sexual Spark seems like a book that can spice things up! It is on my reading list. It is written by Dr. Michael Krychman, an expert in sexual health. The Sexual Spark details the exercises that you can do to bring back the passion inside the bedroom!
There’s more!
If you’re a middle-aged struggling to get hold of your libido, Dr. Anna Cabeca, a Gynecologist and Sexual Health expert, has the perfect solution.
In Dr. Cabeca’s practice, she has heard countless women complain about low libido. She assures that this symptom is normal.
But NORMAL isn’t synonymous with HEALTHY.
A woman who is sexually healthy is:
- Comfortable in her own skin
- Able to express her inner desires
- Not afraid to make the first intimate move
- Vaginally well-lubricated
- Able to have pleasurable orgasms
Your sex drive doesn’t have to end with aging. In fact, it’s the perfect time to get creative in the bedroom and explore each other!
Are you feeling other symptoms of menopause?
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Gita is the founder of My Menopause Journey. Since 2014, she has been supporting midlife women by sharing hard-earned learnings from her own experience. To advance her knowledge, Gita puts a lot of her time and effort into understanding the broad spectrum of women’s health. She immerses in extensive research about the physical, mental and emotional aspects of menopause. Gita believes in the life-changing power of healthy, holistic living — this is where she anchors her message to all women. Learn more about her marvelous mission in About us - My Menopause Journey.