My hubby gets all excited when the summer season comes along. He loves the beach and the sunshine. As for me, I don’t have to wait for summer. When I entered my late 40s, it was summer year-round. I was sweating while sleeping – sunbathing in my dreams. 🙂
The culprit was my menopause night sweats!
Many women in menopause can relate to this. Sweating while sleeping wakes you up soaked! More than the sweating, night sweats disturb your sleep and leave you tired during the day.
Ladies, don’t let sweating while sleeping bring you down! Together, let’s uncover the potential causes of night sweats. I’ll also share with you my tips to turn down the heat and keep night sweats at bay!
Why Do I Experience Sweating While Sleeping?
Just imagine this… you climb into your comfortable bed and snuggle with your spouse. You drift off to sleep only to find yourself sweaty after a couple of hours.
I call night sweats the nocturnal accomplice of hot flashes! Mayo Clinic says night sweats are episodes of severe sweating which soaks your night clothes and bedding.
Experts say about 85% of women in menopause experience sweating while sleeping. But why does this uncomfortable symptom happen at night? Here are common causes of night sweats to take note of!
- Poor Diet – a diet rich in refined sugars and high carbs spikes up insulin and glucose which causes excessive sweating. Too much coffee, alcohol and spices are stimulants that triggers your sweat glands.
- Nutrient Deficiencies – vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin E, B complex vitamins, magnesium and potassium all help in temperature and hormone regulation. contribute to sweating while sleeping and even sleep deprivation.
- Sedentary Lifestyle – if you sit infront of your computer all day without any activity or exercise, you put yourself at risk to many conditions. Heart problems, obesity are just examples which can cause night sweats.
- Toxic Overload – toxins from food, your home and products can irritate your blood vessels. Chemicals and toxins cause blood vessel spasms which can cause over sweating.
- Stress and Anxiety – Many women experience stress and anxiety during menopause. These symptoms increase cortisol and decrease your happy hormones. As a result, your central nervous system becomes overactive, triggering your sweats glands to function abnormally.
- Overactive thyroid – in medical terms, it’s known as hyperthyroidism. Thyroid problems are common in menopause. If you have hyperthyroidism, you tend to sweat a lot. This is because you have excess thyroid hormones which speeds up metabolism. One of the by-products of metabolism is sweat.
As you might notice, most triggers for menopause night sweats is because of our “modern” lifestyle. Harmless and mundane things like room temperature and the clothes you wear can also cause menopause night sweats.
But if you experience sweating while sleeping for more than three months, it’s best to get checked out! Take a menopause test, or better yet, know what triggers your symptom.
Okay, I know you’re saying, “what do I do right now?!” so let’s get into what you can do about it!
11 Natural Ways to Stop Sweating While Sleeping and Sleep Better!
I know we blame our hormones a lot for our menopause symptoms. But sometimes, our lifestyle plays an important role too. In fact, our lifestyle affects hormonal balance.
Improve the way you eat, move and live with our healthy tips to prevent night sweats!
1. Go clean, go organic! Free yourself from processed foods. Choose natural and organic as much as possible to avoid xenoestrogens, pesticides, preservatives and toxins. All these can disrupt your hormone balance and offset your body functions.
2. Eat healthy, whole foods. Instead of drinking apple juice, why not have the apple? Go green, eat more veggies and fruits. Have more seafoods, oily fish and shellfish, fill in your plate with more superfoods, nuts, seeds and berries. Better yet, enjoy a big bowl of salad every day or a glass of healthy smoothie. You’ll receive more nutrients from these foods!
3. Check for food labels. Avoid buying foods with high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), trans and saturated fats, refined carbohydrates and sodium (salt).
4. Go slow on leisurely drinks! I enjoy a cup of coffee and unwind with a glass of wine from time to time, but more than that, you should think twice.
5. Drink healthy. Filtered water, green tea, black tea and chamomile tea are great for detoxification and hydration.
6. Use adaptogenic and phytoestrogenic herbs! Shatavari, Black Cohosh and Turmeric are the best herbs for hot flashes and menopause night sweats. Take advantage of them!
7. Exercise every day. Exercise doesn’t have to be rigorous and complicated. Go for a walk, do simple stretches, take the stairs and walk instead of ride. If you’re used to exercising, strength training
and high-intensity training are great exercises for menopause!
8. Manage stress better. Do mind-body activities like Yoga, Qigong, Pilates, Tai chi and Meditation. They can all help you reduce stress and be more present. Learn to slow down, let go of things that aren’t good for you and delegate.
9. Go for alternative therapies. Aromatherapy, acupuncture and massages are good for relieving tension and stress. They relax your muscles and calm down your nerves.
10. Supplement if you need to. Don’t be afraid to support your diet! If you feel like you need more, get more Omega-3, vitamin D, vitamin B12, vitamin E, vitamin C, magnesium and potassium.
11. Develop a positive mindset and strive to be happy! This is the best advice we can give you. Happy hormones such as serotonin, GABA, dopamine, endorphins and epinephrine calms your body. They can help you relieve night sweats.
More Quick Relief Tips That You Can Do!
Looking into your diet, activities and lifestyle is number one. But you can do some tweaking in your home to relieve menopause night sweats too!
- Make sure your room is cool! The National Sleep Foundation says the optimal bedroom temperature is a cool 60°F to 67°F (15.5°C to 19.4°C).
- Take a cooling or refreshing shower an hour or two before going to bed. It soothes your body and lowers your body temperature.
- Relax before going to bed. Meditate, do some journaling, deep breathing or make use of essential oils.
- Sip some cool water before going to bed. Have cooling sprays and cooling gels if you must.
- Wear light weight clothes made of 100% cotton. Breathable, natural fiber are best because they release heat. There’s a simple alternative to clothes though – wear nothing at all – naked, that is.
- Choose a cooling mattress. Innerspring, hybrid and memory foam are all known to dissipate heat.
- Use all-natural fibers! Linens, pillows and bed covers should be all natural and have a medium thread count of 300 to 400.
- Use a bedside fan to give you that extra pump of air and dryness. You can also use a cooling fan for your bed! This technology easily wicks body heat and moisture. You can also control it with your phone. Bedjet is a super good example of this bed cooling technology.
How Menopause Night Sweats Affects Your Life!
Sweating while sleeping is a common complaint for many women. It’s more than just the sweating that’s the problem.
For one, night sweats can affect your sleep. Many women say they find it challenging to fall back asleep after a night sweat. As a result, they feel tired and sleepy the next day. Repeated cycle can cause fatigue and health issues.
Night sweats affect other menopause symptoms too. It can cause further stress, anxiety, low sex drive and self-image disturbance.
Menopause is full of surprises! I thought mood swings, anxiety and hot flashes were the end of my symptoms, but then night sweats came along.
Today, I still experience sweating while sleeping from time to time, but I have a SECRET TIP that really works wonders! It’s super simple but highly effective.
When I wake up all hot and sweaty, I pull my sheets away. I tell myself that it will only last for a minute or two. I DON’T LOOK AT THE TIME. This is the ultimate magic recipe!
If you catch a glimpse of the clock, it will stress you out, and it will be harder to go back to sleep.
Need more help with menopause symptoms?
Want to prepare yourself for menopause?
What’s your favorite way to stay cool at night? We’d love to hear your stories and suggestions. Be sure to share them in the comment box below!
Got some good tips here? Spread it on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter!
Gita is the founder of My Menopause Journey. Since 2014, she has been supporting midlife women by sharing hard-earned learnings from her own experience. To advance her knowledge, Gita puts a lot of her time and effort into understanding the broad spectrum of women’s health. She immerses in extensive research about the physical, mental and emotional aspects of menopause. Gita believes in the life-changing power of healthy, holistic living — this is where she anchors her message to all women. Learn more about her marvelous mission in About us - My Menopause Journey.