Many lifestyle factors can hinder women’s weight loss efforts during midlife, including: Hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, leptin resistance, adrenal fatigue, congested lymph system, stress, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle and toxin overload.
Curvy, petite, full-busted or thin… women come in all forms and sizes. You are stunning, no matter what shape you are!
But hey, I know that may sound a little far-fetched when we’re facing challenges with weight loss.
Nowadays, you would notice how fad diets and weight loss products quickly emerge — claiming they can help lose weight fast. And yet their results don’t last long, especially for us women in midlife!
You know why?
Because losing weight during menopause becomes a different trail. What used to work when we were younger may not work as good anymore. This straight trail turns into a zigzag — with all the hormonal and metabolic shifts!
How can we navigate this wild trail smoothly?
Well, the key is to recognize those sharp turns before they leave you swerving! I say, honor the REAL needs of your body by making holistic and sustainable lifestyle changes. You’ll keep those pounds off FOR GOOD, oh, yes you can!
After all, beauty and self-love evolve into something more profound in midlife. It’s all about being confident in your own skin and nurturing your body with the care it deserves!
That’s right. Allow yourself to approach this journey with gentleness! You don’t have to flip your whole life around to stay healthy, love!
Ready to kick off?

9 Obstacles of Menopause Weight Loss
“Why do we have to talk about these obstacles?” You might wonder.
Just like being in an unfamiliar road, losing weight in midlife may feel like traveling a course with many humps and crossroads. You would want to know what these obstacles are before you reach them! Otherwise, you’ll end up having a bumpy ride or driving away in the wrong direction.
Hormonal imbalance, insulin resistance, leptin resistance, adrenal fatigue, congested lymph system, stress, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle and toxin overload are the common factors that hinder menopause weight loss.
Dive deep into each of these roadblocks and discover how you can get ahead of them!
1. Hormone Imbalance
During menopause, our hormones fluctuate and eventually decline. That mainly includes estrogen and progesterone — which both influence our weight!
One form of estrogen, called “estradiol”, drops low during perimenopause. And since this hormone promotes healthy metabolism and fat distribution, low estradiol levels can make it a challenge to lose weight!
On the other hand, progesterone acts as a natural diuretic — helping reduce water retention and bloating. But in midlife, progesterone levels start to fluctuate and stay at very low levels! This can lead to excess water being stored in the body, resulting in weight gain.
2. Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance happens when the cells become less responsive to insulin — a hormone that regulates blood glucose levels.
More specifically, insulin is responsible for transporting glucose (from the food we eat) into our cells, so it can be converted into energy!
But if you have insulin resistance, the cells do not respond to insulin — making glucose stay in your blood. If you’re wondering where glucose goes (since it is not used), some are kept in the liver and muscles, while others are stored as fat!
In fact, one of the biggest areas in our body that can accommodate them is our belly… thus, the pooch!
Oh, also, people with diabetes may experience weight gain as a side effect of insulin therapy.
“What? How could that be? I thought insulin helps regulate glucose levels?”
You got that right. But insulin also increases fat storage in the body!
Learn how to prevent insulin resistance in my article below!
3. Leptin Resistance
Can you imagine yourself being constantly hungry? Looks like the opposite of what we’re all aiming for, doesn’t it?
Well, this can happen to someone who has leptin resistance.
Leptin is a hormone that carries signals to the brain when we feel full and satisfied. In a simple equation: When leptin levels increase, hunger decreases!
Leptin resistance occurs when the brain doesn’t “get the memo” that there’s enough fuel in our system. As a result, our brain thinks we are still hungry and out of energy! And so, the brain keeps all the hunger signals active to accommodate the wrongly perceived hunger.
This condition is one of the most overlooked culprits of weight gain! You can workout 24/7 or eat like a bird and still not lose weight if you have leptin resistance.

Have a wider understanding of leptin resistance through this video from Jenn Pike, the founder of “The Simplicity Project”.
4. Adrenal Fatigue
Did you know that the adrenal glands serve as “back-up” organs when our ovaries no longer produce hormones? That’s right!
And when it comes to weight, your adrenal glands also play a role! These glands regulate cortisol levels, but sadly, they can wear down when stress levels are constantly elevated.
Common symptoms of adrenal fatigue are sugar and salt cravings, energy crashes, fatigue, high blood pressure, sensitive skin (gets easily bruised), gut disorders and weight gain.
Learn more about adrenal fatigue and ways to make these little glands happy through my article below!
5. Clogged Lymph System
Our lymphatic system eliminates toxins and foreign substances in the body. It acts as our personal drainage system!
But when our lymph system is not working properly, toxins building up in our body can lead to swelling and inflammation.
A poorly functioning lymph system also disrupts fat absorption! As a result, our tissues and cells are filled with fat deposits.
Other telltale signs of a congested lymph system are water retention, bloating, cellulite and digestive issues.
Head over to my article below to know more about the importance of lymphatic flow!
6. Stress
For most of us, it’s not new anymore to know that stress causes weight gain. But since we’re here to know the how’s and why’s of gaining weight, here’s a little nitty-gritty!
When we’re stressed out, the body releases cortisol — which affects our metabolism over time when cortisol levels remain high.
Elevated cortisol levels are known to trigger the following:
- Cravings
- Emotional Eating
- Sleep Problems
- Belly Fat (or what we call the “middle-age spread”)
- Hormonal Imbalance
- Mood Swings
- Anxiety and Depression
Stress also affects our brain, especially the production of serotonin. Yes, the feel-good hormone! And what does it have to do with weight?
Well, sufficient levels of serotonin make us feel calm and happy. But when serotonin drops, we become prone to anxiety and other emotional symptoms — which can be the starting point of overeating!
And so, the cycle starts: We get stressed, we release cortisol, we gain weight, we crave sugar and other processed foods, we gain more weight!
7. Lack of Sleep
When you don’t get enough sleep, your appetite and cravings intensify because sleep is crucial in regulating the hunger hormones! It’s so much more than just a beauty rest after all!
As mentioned above, the hormone “leptin” curbs appetite and promotes energy use. On the other hand, the hormone “ghrelin” prompts us when we need to eat.
Now, when you lack sleep, leptin drops, and ghrelin rises — making you feel hungry even when your body doesn’t really need food. False alarm!
Have you noticed that when you’re tired, you’re more likely to grab sugary and processed foods? This is because your body feels the need for a quick burst of energy!
8. Sedentary Lifestyle
Well, this is one of those things that has become so universally known when it comes to losing weight.
And hey, I understand how relaxing it is to just sit and watch our favorite TV shows. Sadly, the less we move, the more numbers we tip on the scale!
Also, when we don’t work out our muscles while aging, they start breaking down. Yes, lacking physical activity causes us to lose muscle mass and build up fat!
Lack of exercise also slows down digestion — resulting in fewer calories burnt and eventually… weight gain.
What do we do to avoid this?
As straightforward as this can get, make every movement count — whether it’s an exercise routine, a relaxing activity or simply choosing the stairs over the escalator!
Not only does exercise and movement help us burn more energy and gain muscles; it also upgrades many aspects of our health in midlife!
9. Toxic Overload
See that beauty product you love to use every day? Or that water bottle you have at home?
Chances are high that these products contain toxic substances! And yes, we are exposed to thousands of harmful chemicals every day — often, beyond our awareness!
The good news is, our system has a natural way of flushing these toxins out. The lymphatic system, remember? But it can only do so much!
If we are continuously exposed to toxins, our body won’t be able to keep up cleansing them. The result? Toxic overload.
Toxic overload could lead to weight gain in several ways:
- It interferes with our metabolism.
- It affects hormone production and overall balance.
- It disrupts brain function.
- It slows down nutrient absorption.
Studies also found that people who tested positive for “endocrine-disrupting chemicals” (EDCs) (substances that impair hormone production) were more likely to be overweight. They also have higher chances of developing insulin resistance and other metabolic disorders!
Be enlightened more as Dr. Mark Hyman, a Functional Medicine expert, discusses how EDCs lead to weight gain!
Overcome the Obstacles and Lose Weight in Menopause
Are you eager to overcome these weight loss obstacles and finally reach your health goals? I’ve got you covered!
To overcome the common factors behind weight issues in menopause, it’s best to:
► Keep Hormones Balanced
► Maintain Healthy Levels of Insulin and Leptin
► Avoid Chronic Stress
► Keep the Lymph System Clean and Flowing
► Avoid Overworking the Adrenals
► Get Enough Sleep!
► Stay Active!
► Prevent Toxic Overload
Yes, we’re basically going to have to hit those root causes! Make sure to click on the links so you’ll get more detailed lifestyle hacks!
I know it may feel easier said than done while you’re starting to embrace these habits. But weight loss doesn’t happen overnight!
Also, do you know what makes you one step ahead now?
Take advantage of the know-how you have learned in this article and start reprogramming your lifestyle! Your needs, your pace. wink
If you really want to see results and have a detailed, step-by-step ROADMAP to guide you every step of the way, you should definitely check out my e-book “REAL SECRETS TO a Happy Weight After 40”!
We would love to hear your thoughts so feel free to add your comments below
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Hi, I am going through menopause. I want to get on a good probiotic and don’t know which one to choose. Can you please recommend one.
Thank you so much
Hi there and thank you for reaching out!
I agree, there are many brands available on the market and it’s not easy to decide.
Generally, health experts recommend choosing a probiotic with multiple strains and as few artificial additives and fillers as possible.
During my last visit with my functional health practitioner I was advised to take “MegaSporeBiotic.”
But you should go for what best fits your individual needs! You can consult your health practitioner or discuss other alternatives at your pharmacy/health food store.
I hope that helped! 💜
All the best.