Healthy Shatavari Benefits for Menopausal Women

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I love using herbs for many reasons! 

Number one is because of their powerful healing properties. It amazes me that one plant can have such diverse health benefits!

I like that I can use herbs in different ways. I can put them in my salads, tea or smoothies. I can also use them as essentials oils. Most of all, using herbs mean I can heal my body without chemicals and magic pills.

If you want to improve your health, Shatavari is a must-try! It’s one of the best herbs for women, especially if you have a hormonal imbalance. Shatavari benefits are simply amazing!

Shatavari supports healthy hormone levels from puberty to menopause. It can help reduce stress, relieve menopause symptoms and regain internal balance. The herb is popular for being an “estrogen booster”, but it also supports healthy progesterone levels.

With its wide range of benefits, it’s no wonder Shatavari is called the “Queen of all Herbs” in Ayurveda!

Shatavari – Powerful Herb for Menopause

What is Shatavari? 

The meaning of Shatavari is so intriguing. It means “a woman with a thousand husbands”! Nope, it won’t give you an instant husband, but it will boost your female health functions.

Shatavari is also called Asparagus Racemosus, Satavar and Shatamull. Other common names of this powerful herb are buttermilk root, climbing asparagus, water root and wild asparagus.

Shatavari is highly revered in the ancient Indian healing system of Ayurveda. It has been used for 1,000 years as a reproductive tonic and hormone balancer. In fact, Shatavari is a go-to for women with fertility issues in India. Countless supplements are also made from Shatavari roots.

Best of all, it is a popular aphrodisiac! If you want to bring back your mojo and enjoy better sex, you might want to try Shatavari one of these days!

Other incredible Shatavari benefits include reducing stress, relaxing your nervous system, keeping the immune system strong and boosting blood circulation. It’s also rich in vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds.

Shatavari Benefits for Menopausal Women! 

Shatavari supports healthy estrogen levels during menopause. It’s rich in phytoestrogens, plant-based estrogens, which blend well inside the body. Phytoestrogens are less potent, but they can still function like your natural estrogen.

Besides having phytoestrogens, Shatavari is rich in adaptogens. These are natural compounds that help with your internal balance. Shatavari is also food for the adrenal glands and central nervous system. It also boosts the functions of your thyroid gland, gut and brain.

For these reasons, Shatavari can relieve a lot of menopause symptoms. Check out some of Shatavari benefits below!

  • Relieves hot flashes and night sweats – With good estrogen levels, your brain, especially the hypothalamus (temperature regulator) works well. It also helps relax your blood vessels and regulates blood flow. All these help relieve hot flashes and night sweats.
  • Prevents vaginal dryness and boosts sex drive – Shatavari stimulates your adrenals to produce progesterone and testosterone. These two hormones, along with estrogen, can boost the health of your vaginal tissues. They also increase blood flow to your reproductive organs. As a result, sexual sensation and natural lubrication increases.
  • Reduces mood swings, anxiety, depression and sleep problems – The herb can increase your happy hormones, especially serotonin and dopamine. These hormones relax your central nervous system, which helps ease mood symptoms and trouble sleeping.
  • Improves your stress response – The adaptogens in Shatavari nourish your adrenal glands – your body’s major stress regulator. They also detoxify your adrenals from free radicals and slow them down when they’re working too hard. This prevents adrenal fatigue and helps you cope with stress better.
  • Enhances brain functions – Toxins disturb your brain’s natural pathways. They also hinder proper communication to your body. Shatavari has strong antioxidant properties that prevent oxidative stress. Oxidative stress happens when your body is overloaded with toxins.
  • Speeds up metabolism and weight loss – The herb stimulates your thyroid glands to produce ample amounts of thyroid hormones. Your hormones boost energy, speed up metabolism, burn fat faster and help you lose weight.
  • Heals the gut – Shatavari cleanses your gut by boosting your digestive enzymes. Enzymes break down fats, carbohydrates and proteins faster. They also help in absorbing nutrients from food in the small intestines.
  • Strengthens immunity – the roots of Shatavari are rich in nutrients called sapogenin. Sapogenin helps your immune system make all types of immune cells. This allows you to fight infections and diseases during menopause. Sapogenin is also an anti-inflammatory.

Kevin Casey, founder of Banyan Botanicals has a good video where he shares some powerful Shatavari benefits [2:13].


What to Remember When Buying Shatavari Supplements! 

Shatavari comes in powder, table and liquid extracts. In India, where they have access to fresh Shatavari herbs, most people mix it with ghee or honey water. This is to lessen the herb’s bitter taste.

In the U.S., Shatavari tablets are popular among women because they’re more convenient to take. When buying Shatavari supplements, it’s good to consider quality and price. It’s also best to check the company selling it.

Does your supplier use quality herbs? Were the herbs grown via organic farming? This ensures that you’re getting herbs that have no pesticides and chemicals. Make sure the supplier has supplements that are USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) certified organic!

You know what I like best about herbs? They don’t only relieve your symptoms, they also target the root cause of your discomforts. Besides this, they help balance body functions and boost the health of your organs. Herbs are a great support for us during menopause!

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So, what do you think of Shatavari? Is it on your list of must-try herbs? We’d love to know your thoughts, share it below in the comment box! Experience all the amazing Shatavari benefits with your family and friends! Share this post on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram and Twitter! 


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With love and gratitude, Gita ♥

Gita is the founder of My Menopause Journey. Since 2014, she has been supporting midlife women by sharing hard-earned learnings from her own experience. To advance her knowledge, Gita puts a lot of her time and effort into understanding the broad spectrum of women’s health. She immerses in extensive research about the physical, mental and emotional aspects of menopause. Gita believes in the life-changing power of healthy, holistic living — this is where she anchors her message to all women. Learn more about her marvelous mission in About us - My Menopause Journey.

8 thoughts on “Healthy Shatavari Benefits for Menopausal Women”

  1. I enjoyed reading your blog. I have been taking Shatavari for three weeks now and although my hot flashes have lessened in intensity I am still getting a lot during the day, my question is how long approximately does it take before this starts working. I don’t want to continue buying it and taking it if it isn’t going to work for me. Thank you

    1. Hi Leona,
      Glad to hear you´re enjoying our blog 🙂
      As with all herbs, Shatavari might take longer to work. You might not feel its full effect right then and there. Our bodies also react to herbs differently, so it depends on who is taking them.
      Your symptoms can be an effect of many causes. Stress, adrenal fatigue or poor eating habits, for example, have a big impact on how you feel.
      Read our article about hot flashes and see if there is something else you can try.
      It is a trial and error for many of us, but there are solutions.

      All the best,

  2. Hi..
    i am 53 and have been into menopause since last 14 yrs.. i wanted to know if i can start using shatavari now.. even though i have stopped experiencing hot flashes and night sweats recently, but i am still experiencing anxiety, depression, mood swings & fatigue.. have even gained a lot of weight in these menopausal years due to severe lower back issues.. please let me know if i can start shatavari now for increased metabolism and to do away with fatigue, anxiety & depression..

    1. Hi,

      Thanks for sharing your concern.

      From my own experience, looking at what you eat and stress makes a big difference.

      Find time for yourself every day to recharge your energy.

      I eat healthy Keto and do intermittent fasting. It benefits me in so many ways – mood, energy and weight.

      We do have other articles on your symptoms. Just type them in the search box and you’ll find more info.

      You can feel good at this time in your life ?

      All the best,


  3. Hello dear,
    I would ask if any women get pregnant as a result of her use Shatavari ,please tell me asap.

    1. Hi Noor,

      Most of our followers don´t get pregnant anymore, whatever they eat or take. 😉

      But it’s possible that Shatavari could improve the chances of pregnancy, because it helps in ovulation, sex drive and reducing stress.
      As always, consult a doctor for good advice!

      If anyone has experience with Shatavari and pregnancy, please share here.

      All the best,


  4. I absolutely love this product. It helped me throughout perimenopause and I’m now in menopause. It has done exactly what is listed above. People don’t believe I’m 54 and I swear shatavari is a result of that. I would love to take this for the rest of my life if at all possible.

    1. Hi Sue,
      It’s so nice of you to share this. Happy to know Shatavari is working great for you! Stay connected and join us for more helpful articles and tips to make your journey even better!
      Best Regards,

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