11 Potassium Benefits That Will Change Your Menopause Journey!

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I never realized how important potassium benefits are up until recently.

My blood pressure has always been normal, but in 2017 I found out it was slightly elevated. It came as a surprise because I eat healthily and move as much as I can. I ended up wearing a cuff that monitored my blood pressure for 24 hours.

It turns out menopause affects our BP, and in many ways. This is where potassium comes in. Potassium is a nutrient that helps regulate and maintain blood pressure.

Most of us immediately think of sodium when talking about blood pressure. But do you know that potassium regulates sodium? Potassium may just be the bigger mineral to focus on!

Let’s find out about this overlooked nutrient and great tips to balance potassium!

11 potassium benefits in Menopause

What is Potassium and How Does it Work?

Potassium naturally produced by the body is called an electrolyte. Electrolytes have positive or negative electrical charges. These compounds are scattered in many parts of your body such as the tissues, urine, blood and other body fluids.

Your body produces electrolytes to maintain many functions such as pH balance, muscle contractions, fluid balance, nervous system regulation and a lot more! Potassium, in particular, keeps our heartbeat normal, holds body fluids in place and maintains metabolism. The electrolyte also breaks down protein into amino acids and helps build muscles.

Our body produces electrolytes every day, but as the amazing boundary-pushers we are, we put our electrolyte balance under threat. Our “modern life” makes us stressed, eat poorly and expose ourselves to extreme environments. All these deplete our electrolytes!

To meet your electrolyte needs, you can take an active role by eating a healthy diet and living a healthy lifestyle!

Potassium found in your food sources are simply minerals. They are less potent forms of electrolytes and have no electrical charges. As a mineral, potassium serves as a co-factor in chemical reactions and body functions.

Together with other electrolytes and minerals, like calcium and sodium, potassium has a tremendous amount of work keeping your organs functioning at their best.

Dr. Berg has an interesting video on how potassium interacts with other electrolytes and why it’s the most important electrolyte [9:59]!

11 Best Potassium Benefits During Menopause

Potassium is helpful throughout life, but it’s especially important when you’re going through menopause. Potassium benefits you in many ways:

1. Potassium lowers your risk of heart disease and stroke.

The mineral’s protective effect on your heart is one of the best potassium benefits. Stress, poor lifestyle and hormonal imbalances increase your risk of heart disease and stroke. A study from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York says that postmenopausal women who eat more potassium are less likely to suffer from a stroke.

2. Potassium provides nourishment to your heart muscles.

Potassium feeds your smooth muscles which forms your entire heart system. It also prevents plaque buildup, keeping your blood vessels healthy. This leads to better blood flow for critical organs like hormone-producing glands, and to avoid heart palpitations.

3. Potassium has anti-stress properties.

Potassium keeps your adrenal glands healthy and regulates cortisol. It also helps build your hormones, such as serotonin, which promotes mind and body relaxation.

4. Potassium is calcium’s official body distributor.

Potassium drops calcium off to organs that need it. As a result, the risk of muscle wasting, twitches, cramps and weakness decreases. It also strengthens your bones and regulates magnesium. Magnesium prevents your blood from becoming too acidic, which may deplete calcium. All these reduce the risk of osteoporosis.

5. Potassium eases anxiety, depression and mood swings.

Potassium builds and regulates serotonin. This hormone calms the central nervous system. Serotonin is also a happy hormone that regulates mood. Like what it does for calcium, potassium facilitates the use of serotonin in our brain. Potassium tells serotonin to go to the neurons in our brain that are in-charge of positive thinking and happy feelings.

6. Potassium boosts your metabolism.

Potassium positively benefits your metabolism! The mineral keeps your thyroid healthy, and in turn, the organ produces enough thyroid hormones.

7. Potassium keeps your nerves and muscles healthy.

When potassium interacts with calcium and sodium, they produce action potentials. Actions potentials tell your nerves and muscles to contract and relax. Muscle contractions open up your blood vessels, allowing better blood circulation. Muscle relaxation, on the one hand, helps your muscles recover from the wear and tear of everyday contractions.

8. Potassium maintains normal blood pressure.

This function of your potassium is one of the most widely studied. Many physicians use dietary potassium as one of the remedies for hypertension. Potassium regulates sodium, which prevents fluid retention, decreases blood volume and in turn, regulates blood pressure. Potassium also gives your liver and kidneys a helping hand so they can detoxify harmful substances and toxins, which may increase your blood pressure.

9. Potassium prevents swelling.

Potassium regulates sodium, which is a water lover. It also maintains fluids and electrolytes by balancing your osmotic pressure. When osmotic pressure is normal, your body fluids stay where they should be – they do not leak in unwanted places and cause swelling.

10. Potassium keeps your gut healthy!

Potassium improves digestion and keeps fluids in your gut balanced. It also maintains natural gut flora, preventing harmful bacteria from overgrowing.

11. Potassium maintains normal blood sugar levels.

Potassium benefits your pancreas in many ways. It helps in insulin production and makes cells more sensitive to insulin. This allows better transport of glucose to your cells, which normalizes blood sugar levels.

With all the countless potassium benefits in menopause, it’s important to get your daily dose of this mineral with good sources of potassium. Read on to our next section!

8 Healthy Ways to Balance Potassium!

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends taking around 3,500 mg to 4,700 mg of potassium daily for adults. That’s nearly five times more than your daily calcium (1000 mg) needs and 600 times more iron (18 mg) and (8 mg) zinc!

Here are 8 healthy ways to balance potassium levels!

1. Make a big salad every day.

Go for potassium-rich vegetables and leafy greens, such as spinach, lettuce, bok choy and Swiss Chard. Tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, mushrooms and acorn squash are also good sources of potassium. You can also sprinkle some flax seeds, pistachios, pumpkin seeds and olive oil on top! Get our best tips to make a healthy and delicious salad in under 5 minutes!

2. Whip up a potassium-powered smoothie.

Apart from your leafy greens, you can use potassium-rich fruits like your berries, cantaloupe, papaya, banana, mango, kiwi, orange and avocado. Just watch out for the sugar!

3. Munch on a potassium-rich snack.

Sweet potatoes, dried apricots, prunes and Greek yogurt are great snacks if you want to increase potassium. Nuts and seeds, like almonds, chestnuts, dried watermelon seeds, cashews and dried coconut are good!

4. Eat the right kinds of protein!

Salmon, halibut and sardines are rich in potassium and are rich in omega-3, which is good for the heart. Organic lean meat and chicken are also good protein sources of potassium.

5. Careful trying new diets.

A ketogenic diet, for example, makes your potassium levels plummet. If you want to start a new way of eating, don’t forget to consume more vegetables to replenish potassium.

6. Slow down on the caffeine and alcohol!

Coffee and alcoholic beverages are silent diuretics. You pee a lot and flush out potassium too.

7. Ditch all processed and fast foods!

Food additives can flush out potassium in the body. They also contain a lot of salt, which upsets the sodium-potassium balance.

8. Consider supplementing.

If you’re deficient (which you can find out by taking a potassium test), you may want to consider taking supplements. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), recommends less than 100 milligrams (mg) per dose. A friendly reminder, consult your doctor before taking anything!

While supplementing is helpful, the best route to get more potassium benefits during menopause, is to eat potassium-rich foods!

Dr. Berg says these veggies have the best sources of potassium:

  • Beet tops – 1,300 mg
  • Avocado – 975 mg
  • Lima Beans – 975 mg
  • Spinach – 839 mg
  • Salmon – 839 mg
  • Squash – 801 mg
  • Brussels Sprouts – 504 mg

Dr. Berg talks more about the top potassium sources I mentioned above in his video. Watch it here [2:20]:


Pro-active steps can be really helpful to keep your potassium levels in check. Eat a balanced diet!
If you experience symptoms, always remember to take note of your symptoms and get yourself checked.

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Go to our help and self-help page!

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With love and gratitude, Gita ♥

Gita is the founder of My Menopause Journey. Since 2014, she has been supporting midlife women by sharing hard-earned learnings from her own experience. To advance her knowledge, Gita puts a lot of her time and effort into understanding the broad spectrum of women’s health. She immerses in extensive research about the physical, mental and emotional aspects of menopause. Gita believes in the life-changing power of healthy, holistic living — this is where she anchors her message to all women. Learn more about her marvelous mission in About us - My Menopause Journey.

5 thoughts on “11 Potassium Benefits That Will Change Your Menopause Journey!”

  1. Chronic Lyme Disease has robbed me of potassium among other things. So, if you are dealing with other unexplained symptoms, you may have chronic Lyme Disease.

  2. christine marie

    My hot flashes are bad. Do I lose potassium/electrolytes in all of this sweating?

    1. Hi Christine,

      Yes, we absolutely lose electrolytes when we are sweating. Important to have electrolytes
      and minerals in balance.

      Dr. Axe has a good article about electrolyte imbalance. You can check it out here:

      Potassium is essential for us so the body can function properly. Dr. Berg explains
      the importance in a really good way. Watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q2vPQYP0dpI.

      The hot flashes can be reduced with many things. Our article has a lot of tips:

      I would advise you to see your health provider to get the right treatment and
      check your electrolyte and mineral levels.

      Hope that helped 🙂

  3. I’m in perimenopause, and I am in and out of the ER for high blood pressure and low potassium. I am taking 1.5- 99mg potassium supplement everyday, plus I eat 2 sweet potatoes just about everyday, fruit, veggies. My potassium keeps going low. My doctors are failing me, so I have turned to the Internet. I have found that estrogen dominance causes a loss of potassium. Does this happen in perimenopause?

    1. Hi Mo,

      Glad to have you here and we’re happy that you’re taking care of yourself.

      Have you tried visiting another doctor for second opinion? Sometimes, we need to find someone who specializes on specific conditions.

      We don’t give medical advice on our site, but we will try to give you helpful information as much as we can.

      Dr. Berg follows a holistic approach in treating medical conditions. In one of his helpful videos, he says we need to take 4,700mg to 6,000mg of potassium every day and where we get it really matters. You mentioned about eating sweet potatoes (which is a good thing), but maybe you could try swapping or adding more green salads to your diet.

      In the same video, he also explains about some medical treatments to lower blood pressure which can actually do the opposite (increase it more). He talks about taking diuretics which can make you more potassium deficient and drinking more water which dilutes your electrolytes (including potassium). Totally restricting salt because you’re salt sensitive can also be one problem why your BP increases. You can watch his full video here for more great info: https://youtu.be/MFmjLloYN7A.

      Aside from those we mentioned above, stress and too much sugar and alcohol intake can also lower your potassium. You may want to listen to Dr. Berg’s explanation here: https://youtu.be/q2vPQYP0dpI.

      For estrogen dominance and low potassium, there might be some connection as low progesterone can decrease potassium levels. When you have estrogen dominance, your estrogen and progesterone ratios are out of balance. Your progesterone becomes a little too low than your estrogen. Check out some info on that: https://mymenopausejourney.com/symptoms-low-progesterone-menopause/.

      On another note, have you taken a menopause test to check your hormones (especially your estrogen and progesterone)? If you haven’t, we have a list of helpful tests here: https://mymenopausejourney.com/menopause-test/.

      Taking extra magnesium could also be good because it calms you down. You can read more about it here: https://mymenopausejourney.com/magnesium/. Dr. Axe has a great list of potassium-rich foods: https://draxe.com/nutrition/top-10-potassium-rich-foods/.

      We hope you’ll find relief soon and feel all better. If you want to share, please don’t hesitate to come back and tell us your experience. It would be nice to help others.

      Take care,

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