Do you consider yourself as a midlife woman who’s always on the go?
It could be your job, or simply the chores you do for your lovely family — and there’s nothing to be sad about that! In fact, you deserve to be crowned as a superwoman for keeping an active lifestyle at midlife. And I just want to make sure that your golden time doesn’t put your health at stake! With that, let me introduce you to one of the best ways to have a nutrition-boost, even in your most busy days — THE QUICK AND HEALTHY WRAPS!

What Makes a Great Wrap?
Let me make things simple for you.
Fill your wraps with nutritious ingredients and they will serve your health right!
If you are going for wraps, make sure to think of these 3 things
- It must be HEALTHY. This should be your number one consideration! With a limited time to prepare your own food, wraps would definitely make a lovely way out. But you also need to pay respect to your health, by filling in the best nutritious ingredients! Those that will not only make you full, but keep your health on its best too. Quick tip? You’ll never go wrong with organic greens! ?
2. It must be EASY. There’s no point in going for wraps if they are not fitting into your busy lifestyle! Whether it’s for your lunch, snack or dinner, wraps should be easy-breezy to make! There are great recipe ideas you can choose from, but believe me — the simplest ones with the healthiest ingredients are just perfect.
3. It must be TASTY. Well, why not? Go for a healthy, easy and TASTY wrap! There are countless flavor combinations you can do. Satisfy your palette using healthy ingredients that complement each other and suit your taste!
Quick and Easy Recipes for Healthy Wraps
There’s so much more to wraps than just a few chunks of chicken and lettuce on a plain tortilla! I highly encourage making your own wrap instead of buying in restos or fast-foods. Sometimes, bought wraps often appear healthy, but a lot of hidden calories are actually hidden! To keep you guided, take a look at these exciting recipe ideas and get started making your own!
- Check out this video from Abbey’s Kitchen! She will show you how to do the following recipes using Collard Greens:
- Sweet Potato and Apple Collard Green Wrap
- Black Bean and Avocado Collard Green Wrap
- Mediterranean Collard Green Wrap
VEGAN Collard Green Wraps THREE Ways | Gluten-Free | Low Carb [3:07
2. A low-carb diet is the way to go! You can take some time out of your not-so-busy days and make your own Flaxseed Wraps! Fill them with the following combinations:
- Hummus with Alfalfa Sprouts
- Guacamole with Tomatoes
- Marinated Tempeh Strips with Cucumbers and Bell peppers
- Black Bean Dip with Spinach and Cilantro
Here’s a video from Nutrition Refined showing how to make a Flaxseed Wrap! [Flaxseed Wraps | Vegan, Paleo, Keto] [7:57]
3. If you want to lose weight, you got 8 recipe options to choose from! Joanna Soh, a Nutrition Coach and Women’s Fitness Specialist, will show you how to do the following wrap recipes in the video below!
- Chicken & Mango Salsa Wraps
- Black Beans & Sweet Potato Wraps (Vegan)
- Spicy Tofu Mushroom Wraps (Vegan)
- Asian Flavored Smoked Salmon Wraps
- Creamy Tuna & Corn Wraps
- Quinoa & Black Beans Wraps (Vegan)
- Garlic Shrimp & Egg Avocado Wraps
- Tropical Fruit Salad Wraps (Vegan)
8 Delicious Lettuce Wrap Recipes (Under 100Cals) [11:18]
A Zest for Healthy Wraps
Who said you can’t add more flavors? You certainly can!
The best way to achieve more flavor to your wraps is by using spreads. Good fats are always good to add! Guacamole tops the chart of all-time favorites. Nut butter makes a good option for a sweet and creamy touch too! For a unique mouth-watering taste, go for pesto. And if you are looking for a good fat source, let mayo do the work!
My kitchen sidekick for my spreads and dips is hummus. You can make this ahead so that you can save some time for busier days! To give you an idea on how to make hummus, here’s a helpful video from Pick Up Limes!
HOW TO MAKE HUMMUS » 5 ways, healthy & easy [9:07]
Remember not to have watery spreads — they will make your wrap soft and gushy. Instead, add different spices to enhance the taste of your wrap! ?
Healthy Types of Wraps and Their Benefits
The traditional way to make a wrap is by using a tortilla. I say, skip it and go for healthier, more nutritious wrap choices!
- Lettuce Wrap
The best choice of all! Not only does lettuce add a unique flavor to your whole wrap, but it is loaded with health benefits too! Among its benefits are: fighting inflammation, hydration, improving memory retention, promoting muscle development, supporting weight loss and offering skincare benefits!
You can use Green Leaf Lettuce, Iceberg Lettuce or Butter Lettuce. Take a look at this video from Foodiy using a lettuce wrap!
KETO Chicken Lettuce Wraps Recipe| Healthy Keto Chicken Recipes Easy | Foodiy [4:00]
- Nori Wrap
You might think that nori was only made for sushi. But you can actually use this edible seaweed for your wrap too! Nori is super healthy. In fact, researchers claim it to be the best source of vitamin B12 and iodine! According to the American Thyroid Association, iodine deficiency can cause serious health problems, including hypothyroidism and enlargement of the thyroid gland.
Watch this great video from Food Matters: Nori Breakfast Wrap [0:55]
- Cabbage Wrap
It’s time for you to try cabbage for your own wraps too! Cabbage is one of the most commonly found vegetables in every culture around the world. It is rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents. It also aids in digestion and promotes weight loss!
Check out this video from PaleoHacks: Asian-Style Cabbage Wraps | Paleo Recipe [2:42]
- Egg Wraps
Want your wrap to taste exactly the way you want it to? Well, egg wraps are for you because you can add your own choice of flavors in the egg wrap itself! Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids — the building blocks of protein. And that’s important, because your body can’t make these nutrients by itself!
Learn how to make an egg wrap through this video from the Lean Cook! Making Egg Wraps [3:05]
- Buckwheat Wraps
Buckwheat, a whole grain, is a good source of protein, fiber and energy! It can boost your heart health, improve digestion, help keep blood sugar levels stable for longer and promotes weight management!
See this video from Luvele Life! [Gluten Free Buckwheat Wraps or Crepes: Make them savoury or sweet [3:13]
Practical Benefits of Quick and Healthy Wraps
- Convenience
Creating healthy wraps can be done using only a few ingredients! It doesn’t require advanced cooking skills either, and for me, that is such a convenience. These effortless yet highly satisfying and healthy meals only take minutes to prepare! They are something you can make before heading out of home for whatever purpose you are on!
- Conscious Eating
One of the many benefits of making wraps is the experience of combining a variety of foods, yet still knowing enough about the ingredients you use. Picking out fresh organic produce boosts the wrap’s flavor and health benefits!
- Creativity
Food is meant to be shared and enjoyed! With this spirit, we can make healthy quick wraps with exciting flavors and twists. No wrap is ever boring — this, I can promise! ?
The Takeaway
Menopause is the perfect time in your life to start making quick and healthy wraps! Sometimes, you can be caught up with your daily to-do’s and see yourself grabbing a chocolate bar as a quick hunger-killer. BUT, when you prepare wraps and bring them with you, you are saving yourself from those unhealthy grabs! These wraps will teach you that you can maintain that on-the-go lifestyle without your health being at stake. Seize your day the healthy way! ?
Gita is the founder of My Menopause Journey. Since 2014, she has been supporting midlife women by sharing hard-earned learnings from her own experience. To advance her knowledge, Gita puts a lot of her time and effort into understanding the broad spectrum of women’s health. She immerses in extensive research about the physical, mental and emotional aspects of menopause. Gita believes in the life-changing power of healthy, holistic living — this is where she anchors her message to all women. Learn more about her marvelous mission in About us - My Menopause Journey.