If you are trying to find treatments for your menopause symptoms, superfoods may present good benefits, especially Gotu Kola. This is not a commonly heard of herb, especially in the US, but the use of this herb in other regions have shown specific positive attributes. Find out how this herb can be of help during your menopause journey.
What Is Gotu Kola?
Have you ever heard of this plant before? Or is this your first time? The Gotu Kola, also known as Pennywort or Centella Asiatica, is an herb that is widely used in many regions in Asia. It is also found in India, Australia, South Africa and South America. As a matter of fact, it is one of the most popular herbs used in Indian Ayurvedic Medicine.
It is mainly used in Asia as a treatment for wounds and skin disorders. In Brazil and Indonesia, this herb is used as a memory enhancer. In Sri Lanka, the herb is a popular plant that is meant to promote longevity.
How Gotu Kola Works
The main function of Gotu Kola, when introduced to the body, is to improve blood flow all over the body and ensure that the blood vessels maintain their integrity. As a result, the blood circulates continuously and pooling of blood in the lower limbs is less likely to happen. In that sense, it is also helpful in the prevention of swelling of the legs.
According to a study, Gotu Kola herbs contain a helpful substance called triterpenoids. These substances work by repairing tissue damages. If you have a wound, the triterpenoids in this herb will help increase the blood supply to a wounded region, which in turn improves the integrity of your skin and tissues. It is even good for scar prevention and decreasing stretch marks.
Gotu Kola In Menopause
The herb is an excellent item for relieving hot flashes and addressing problems with vaginal dryness. It also helps in decreasing the occurrence of memory loss and stress associated with menopause. It is also believed to be a great anti-aging herb and a good antioxidant. It works by promoting the integrity of the blood vessels and further increase the optimal production of neurotransmitters for better bodily functions in general.
Other Uses
Since it helps in the promotion of blood circulation, it can further aid in avoiding leg cramps and varicose veins. Once blood circulation is regulated, this means that the blood flows freely without needing too much pressure. Also, the fact that blood circulation is improved through this herb, it may be able to provide better oxygenation to the brain. This will result in having healthier brain cells and thus, the promotion of intelligence.
Possible Side Effects
It may have unfavorable effects on specific individuals taking the supplement. It may cause the blood sugar to rise, so diabetic patients are advised to minimize consumption of this herb and its supplements. The same is true for individuals with high cholesterol levels. Cholesterol in the body may be increased following its consumption, so proper caution is advised. It may be best to consult with your physician if you are taking maintenance medications along with Gotu Kola products.
Buying Gotu Kola Supplements
For those regions where Gotu Kola is available, the leaves of this herb can be eaten directly. Just make sure that you wash it well. It is recommended to take two medium-sized Gotu Kola leaves three times a day. It is best to consider organically grown Gotu Kola. You can grow them in your yard or in a nursery, but make sure to keep the soil moist or properly watered.
The leaves of the herbs can also be dried and chopped. It is used as tea by many, especially in the Asian regions. It is also widely taken as a supplement nowadays and is available in different forms.
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Gita is the founder of My Menopause Journey. Since 2014, she has been supporting midlife women by sharing hard-earned learnings from her own experience. To advance her knowledge, Gita puts a lot of her time and effort into understanding the broad spectrum of women’s health. She immerses in extensive research about the physical, mental and emotional aspects of menopause. Gita believes in the life-changing power of healthy, holistic living — this is where she anchors her message to all women. Learn more about her marvelous mission in About us - My Menopause Journey.