Lysine As a Natural Treatment for Menopause Symptoms

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When we think of amino acids, we usually look into them collectively. However, each amino acids plays a different role from the other. Lysine, specifically, can work independently from or with other types of amino acids. Let’s look into what lysine has to offer to our bodies, especially during the menopausal phase in women.

What is Lysine?

Lysine is an essential amino acid, which means that it is needed by the body. However, this amino acid cannot be synthesized naturally. It needs to come from a source and that source is the food that we eat.

Primarily lysine is needed to ensure that the bones grow properly. Aside from being one of the building blocks of protein, Lysine is also essential in the synthesis of Carnitine. It also helps in the protection of the skin, tendons, and cartilage as it helps in the production of collagen too.

Lysine in Menopause

Since lysine helps in the production of Carnitine, it somehow helps in the metabolism of fatty acids and control of cholesterol levels. Through this, you can also manage your weight with the help of lysine. One of the essential roles of lysine is its assistance when it comes to optimal absorption of calcium in the body. As a result, it aids in the prevention of osteoporosis while maintaining the health of the bones in general. Works together with Arginine in keeping the integrity of the blood vessels and further reduce hot flashes.

Other Uses of Lysine

Lysine may also prevent the occurrence of cold sores and genital herpes. This is especially true if lysine supplementation is done regularly. However, it was found that it was effective as a preventive measure and not totally effective as a treatment option for Herpes Simplex Virus Outbreak.

Here are other bodily functions that may need lysine during the process:

  • Improvement of Immune system through production of antibodies
  • Production of digestive enzymes for better digestion
  • Helps in the transport of blood and the nutrients in the body
  • Promotes optimal gallbladder function
  • Aids the Endocrine system with hormone production

But, how much Lysine does the body need for it to be an effective amino acid?

Low and High Lysine Levels

The dosage for lysine depends highly on the needs of every individual. However, as a universal recommendation, adults can take 12 mg of lysine per kilogram daily. Say if you weigh 60 kilograms, you can take 720 mg of lysine daily. Most experts suggests taking 1,000 mg every day. However, for cases that need more lysine supplementation, as in active herpes infection, a person can divide 3,000 mg to 9,000 mg to three doses in one day.

If the body lacks lysine, the person may experience fatigue and dizziness. Lysine deficiency may also cause nausea, bloodshot eyes and agitation. A person with very low lysine levels may have slower growth and may have loss of appetite.

What happens when the body gets too much lysine? Few individuals have reported that they have experienced diarrhea and abdominal cramps with excessive lysine supplementation. However, these only happened when they took 15,000 mg to 40, 000 mg of lysine in a day.

Buying Lysine Sources

The Traditional oven and Nutritiondata have provided lists of food sources for lysine. Check out some of the common food that where you can get this amino acid.

Food SourcesAmountEquivalent Lysine Value
Eggs (raw white)1 ounce (28 grams)230 milligrams
Chicken (meat only, cooked, broiled or fried)1 ounce (28 grams)910 milligrams
Cheese (cream, fat-free)1 ounce (28 grams)420 milligrams
Cod Fish (Pacific raw)1 fillet (116 grams)1910 milligrams
Lamb (separable lean only)1 ounce (28 grams)520 milligrams
Pork (boneless, separable meat and fat)1 chop (158 grams)3200 milligrams
Lentils3.5 oz (100 grams)711 milligrams
Chickpeas (Canned and cooked)3.5 oz (100 grams)332 milligrams

When taken as supplement, Lysine is in the form l-lysine. Take 900mg tablets two to three times in one day. Or 1 gram of oral solution once daily. It has to be taken preferably with food, to promote absorption and avoid stomach upset.

Good Labels and Where to Buy:

NOW Foods L-lysine 500 mg“SLOWS DOWN AGING! It is hard to make a review of something like L-Lysine, but I am hopeful that this product will improve my general health. After years of ballet and gymnastics, now in my 60s my tendons are giving me difficulties even though my strength is pretty good. Hopefully, the amino acids will also help my fat metabolism since I love to eat sinful fats and help me with skin and connective tissues. Go L-Lysine and Now Foods, a trusted supplement brand.” – Marleen McDaniel

Quantum Super Lysine “I read where Lysine was an excellent way to prevent fever blisters. Guess what? Not all Lysine tabs are effective. I tried these and no fever blisters for 3 months. Easy to swallow. Great product! I’m a Registered Nurse. I did the research. Highly recommend this product! I take it every morning!!” – Bobbie Cooley

Top Rated L-Lysine – This product is specially formulated to support the health of the skin and the lips. It is also best to promote the immune system function and prevent osteoporosis.

Apart from lysine, there are numerous amino acids that can ease symptoms and help balance hormones during menopause. Find out more about these other important amino acids today!

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With love and gratitude, Gita ♥

Gita is the founder of My Menopause Journey. Since 2014, she has been supporting midlife women by sharing hard-earned learnings from her own experience. To advance her knowledge, Gita puts a lot of her time and effort into understanding the broad spectrum of women’s health. She immerses in extensive research about the physical, mental and emotional aspects of menopause. Gita believes in the life-changing power of healthy, holistic living — this is where she anchors her message to all women. Learn more about her marvelous mission in About us - My Menopause Journey.

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